10 May

Case Study: Squirrel, Raccoon, and Pest Removal from Century Home in Guelph

Guelph Raccoon Squirrel One-Way Door

Anyone can get pests. The following case study tells the story of wildlife removal and rat extermination in Guelph, in which a large century home had multiple different species invading its property. Mice, squirrels, raccoons, and rats were all making themselves at home in the shed and the attic. Despite its tremendous value, this was an aging property that presented the animals with an opportunity to live indoors.

Here, we removed the pests, disinfected after them, and performed a thorough wildlife-proofing of the premises to keep them out. The attics were renovated with new insulation. Our comprehensive wildlife removal services rid the home of these animals and should keep it safe for years to come. Call Wildlife Shield for wildlife removal and exclusion services in Guelph and the GTA.

Guelph, Ontario: The Royal City

Guelph Ontario

Guelph, like many of Ontario’s cities, is home to an abundance of pests and wildlife.

Guelph is a charming city in southwestern Ontario with a population of roughly 130,000. Located 28km east of Kitchener and 100km west of Toronto, Guelph is surrounded by farmland and conservation areas. Major industries within the area include advanced manufacturing, environmental management, and technology. Guelph is home to nearly 30,000 university students and has some of the lowest crime rates and unemployment rates in the country.

Guelph’s neighbourhoods are susceptible to wildlife because of their age and location. Guelph is an old city with plenty of parks, yards, and green spaces for pests to find food and shelter. The Speed and Eramosa rivers act as highways for animals to get around. Many roofs, decks, foundations, and sheds in Guelph have had enough time to deteriorate, giving way to pests like raccoons and squirrels.

Inspection of the Shed

During the first visit, the storage shed of this Guelph property was closely examined for signs of wildlife. The homeowners, in this case, we’re interested in renovating the structure and recognized that its location was attractive to pests. The shed was surrounded by trees and had a turret on its roof that could be accessed by squirrels. Thus, the technician on site checked the shed for holes or gaps that animals could use to get inside.

Pests will take advantage of quiet, ageing structures for their shelter and proximity to food. Rodents will dig through the foundation or squeeze through a crack in the wall. Weep vents and wall vents often have openings that are wide enough to let mice in. Squirrels and raccoons commonly break into attics by exploiting the weaknesses they find on the roof. These include gaps in the drip edge that has warped over time, loose soffits, and plastic roof vents that can be chewed or torn open.

As rodents, squirrels have incredibly sharp, strong teeth that can chew through wood, plastic, and aluminum. Raccoons have dexterous paws, and they are strong enough to tear their way through the roof. These animals can sense that the interior is warm and will absolutely take advantage of its age to get inside.

The technician in this case found many gaps and holes in the structure of the shed. Two windows had cracks in their frames and roughly six feet of gaps were found between the building’s foundation and siding. Raccoon droppings were scattered throughout the shed and several holes were visible in the interior walls and floor. The turret on the roof also had holes in it, with evidence of raccoons living in their peak. Squirrels were suspected to be living in the attic and rats were burrowing in the ground outside.

Guelph Den Entrance

Animals will take advantage of the holes and openings found on quiet structures such as the shed or roof. The opening in this case was wide enough to fit both squirrels and raccoons.

Guelph Squirrel Holes in Shingles

Squirrels have incredibly strong teeth that can chew through shingles, plastic, aluminum, and other wooden materials.

Guelph Animal Droppings

Animal droppings should be removed as soon as possible, and the surfaces they contaminated should be thoroughly disinfected. Raccoons and other wild animals pass dangerous diseases in their feces.

Recommendations and Immediate Treatment

Following the inspection, the technician recommended that the shed be excluded from top to bottom. This would mean sealing and blocking every hole, crack, and gap found to keep pests out. A custom-made, galvanized steel mesh would cover holes to prevent any more animals from getting inside. Galvanized steel mesh is strong enough to withstand animal chewing and tearing. One-way doors were recommended to let the squirrels and raccoons out of the roof. These consist of plastic and metal doors that would be attached to the entrances of the animal dens. One-way doors swing outward, letting the animals out safely but blocking their re-entry.

In addition to the exclusion, the technician recommended cleaning and disinfecting the shed because the droppings inside could be dangerous. Animal droppings not only smell terrible but contain harmful pathogens that can make humans and their pets very sick. These may also contain parasites, which can be passed along to any cats or dogs that go outside. Wildlife Shield offers professional sanitation services in which we safely remove animal matter and disinfect the area, removing odours and germs in the process.

The homeowners agreed to evict the animals and pest-proof the shed. Over the next few days, members of the Wildlife Shield team sealed the holes that were found in the roof’s edge, the shed’s interior, and the foundation outside. A second technician was present so that the roof could be reached safely. Several feet of mesh were screwed into the shed’s wooden structure. Using commercial-grade disinfectants, the technicians on site removed the fecal matter inside the shed and cleaned the surrounding surfaces. This removed the odours that were present and made the shed safe for the owners to use. Rodent bait stations were placed on the outer sides of the shed to suppress the rat population.

Guelph Squirrel Hole Exclusion

Galvanized steel is an excellent material for pest-proofing. It’s weather-proof and tough enough not to break when squirrels try to chew through it or when raccoons tug at its mesh.

Guelph Shed Interior Exclusion

Sealing the gaps and holes in the shed would keep rats and other animals from getting inside and making another mess.

Guelph Shed Foundation Exclusion

Rats are good climbers and burrowers, so it is important to keep the foundation and bottom perimeter of any given structure to keep them out.

Once all entry points were sealed, the technicians on-site installed a large one-way door to the last remaining hole in the roof’s edge. This door consisted of a plastic flap for the raccoons to push outward and a mesh tube for the squirrels to crawl out. Raccoons usually leave their dens within a few days to find food. Squirrels may take a few weeks. Once out, they would find shelter elsewhere and the door would be replaced with mesh.

Guelph Raccoon Squirrel One-Way Door

The technician on site built this combined, two-door system to let both the raccoon and squirrel out safely. The raccoon would push the flap open and the squirrel would crawl out the mesh tube.

More Pests in the Home

A few weeks later, in January, the pests in the shed were no longer a problem. The homeowners, however, gave Wildlife Shield a call when they heard animal noises coming from the attic of their home. This was a large attic with multiple different sections and some connectivity. Because it was winter, and the roof was high above the ground, a technician returned to the property and inspected the attic from the inside.

Hearing noises coming from the attic is a common sign of a squirrel infestation. Squirrels are noisy creatures that make a lot of scratching, scurrying, and squealing sounds in the early hours of the morning and again at sundown. These noises are amplified by the wide, empty space of the attic. Like the shed, squirrels were suspected to have entered the attic of this Guelph home by chewing their way through the roof’s edge.

Upon examining the roof from the ground outside, the technician on duty suspected that squirrels were getting into the attic through the roof’s turret. He then examined the attic’s interior to find evidence of the infestation. Fecal matter and squirrel nesting material were found contaminating the insulation within two attic sections. One nest was still active, with fresh droppings and debris surrounding it. Mouse feces were also found in the attic and wall voids.

Guelph Squirrel Holes in Attic

The attic showed signs of aging as well as animal damage. Large holes were found along the edges, allowing wildlife to crawl inside and infest the attic.

Guelph Squirrel Nest Attic

Squirrels build their nests out of twigs, leaves and branches. The technician in this case found a squirrel’s nest built in the attic’s insulation.

Attic Remediation

The technician recommended placing bait stations in the wall voids of the attic to eliminate the mice and installing a one-way door to evict the squirrels. Roughly 10 to 20 feet of mesh exclusion around the turret was recommended to keep pests out permanently. The homeowners were also encouraged to have the dirtied insulation removed and the attic spaces deodorized. The insulation could then be replaced, providing the homeowners with a clean, well-insulated attic free of pests. Wildlife Shield provides complete attic remediation services in addition to our pest removal, exclusion, and disinfection.

As per the technician’s recommendations, the attic of this Guelph home was fully remediated. Over 200 square feet of insulation was safely removed, and the attics were disinfected with a commercial-grade fogger. Next, a new layer of cellulose was blown-in, rendering the attic clean and energy efficient. Like the exclusion performed on the shed, the technicians on site sealed the cracks in the turret with galvanized steel mesh. Being so high off the ground, two technicians carried out the exclusion work to ensure each other’s safety.  A one-way door was installed at the entrance of the squirrel’s nest.

Guelph Attic Insulation Removal

Removing the insulation allows for a fresh start. The attic was fully disinfected and readied for a new layer of insulation, free of animals and their debris.

A few weeks later, the one-way door was removed and the hole in the turret was sealed with galvanized steel mesh. The squirrels had left the attic. Over the next few months, Wildlife Shield continued to service the rodent bait stations placed outside. While pests living on the interior can be evicted and excluded, those living outside often require continued treatment to suppress their populations. Wildlife Shield offers ongoing exterior treatments for rodents in which we do not need to visit the interior of the home.

Guelph Squirrel One-Way Door Removed


Squirrels, raccoons, mice, and rats are common in Ontario and will make themselves at home on any given property if there is an opening. This case demonstrates the importance of maintaining the structure of one’s home and guarding it against wildlife. Keeping the roof, foundation, and other exterior structures intact is the key to a pest-free home. If there are wild animals on your property, or if you are interested in wildlife-proofing your home, give us a call. We will perform a thorough inspection and provide you with a pest control program that works. Our technicians are trained, licensed, and insured for your satisfaction and peace of mind. Call Wildlife Shield today for affordable and reliable wildlife removal services in Guelph.

22 Jan

Case Study: Raccoon and Squirrel Removal in Ajax

Thermal Camera

Animals commonly find shelter in people’s attics, especially in the fall and winter months. They can tell that the inside is warm by the air that escapes the roof’s ventilation. To get inside, raccoons and squirrels will break the soffits, chew through the vents, or climb down the chimney. Housing animals in the attic however can seriously damage the insulation within and increase energy costs. It also puts your home at risk of getting more pests and the pathogens they bring with them. In this case, both raccoons and squirrels had broken into this Ajax home, one after the other. If you suspect an infestation on your property, call Wildlife Shield. Read More

17 Jun

How to Keep Raccoons Off My Deck

How to Keep Raccoons Off My Deck

Are you having problems dealing with raccoons? Prevention is always easier than trying to fix a problem after it occurs. The same is true on how to keep raccoons off my deck. Raccoons could be pretty problematic when they come around your property. They cause damage to your structure in a bid to get inside your deck. If they feel threatened they will do anything to scurry away unhurt even if to show some aggression. Read More

13 Feb

Attic Cleaning Tips from Professionals

attic infestation

The attic is typically forgotten and neglected until it is time to clean. So how often should you clean your attic? Clean as often as reasonably possible but at least twice a year and remove attic insulation when it was compromised.

The neglected space continues to gather dust, mould and dander which are spread into the living area via recessed lights, doors, ceiling hatches and heating and cooling systems. Attic maintenance is important and could be a health hazard if neglected for too long.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the task, there are a few tips from professional attic cleaners in Toronto to hopefully make the job easier and more organized. Read More

12 Sep

What to Do If You Find a Baby Squirrel

What to Do If You Find a Baby Squirrel

Believe it or not, it is pretty common to see baby animals in the wild, especially in the spring. The problem is, baby animals often look so cute and helpless that the desire to help them outweighs rational thought. Rather than assuming a baby animal, such as a baby squirrel, is in distress or otherwise orphaned, you should know a few things, first. Read More

28 Aug

What is The Average Lifespan of a Grey Squirrel?

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in an Attic

The average lifespan of a grey squirrel in the wild is between 1 and 4 years although there are rare cases of free-roaming squirrels living up to 13 years. The longest recorded lifespan of a squirrel in captivity is 20 years. The animal’s life expectancy depends on a number of variables.

One variable is wintertime conditions. Grey squirrels do not hibernate and spend extended hours in their nests during harsh weather. Prolonged or severe winter can minimize the squirrel’s ability to find food while heavy snow cover can limit its ability to recover buried nuts. Desperate squirrels are known to exhibit cannibalistic behaviour, eating members of their species. Read More

26 Aug

What to Do If a Squirrel Bite You

What to Do If a Squirrel Bite You

Squirrels are not naturally aggressive and a squirrel biting a human is extremely rare. In fact, you are statistically more likely to get bitten by another human than by a squirrel. That being said, these are still wild animals and may attack if they feel threatened or cornered. A mother squirrel can also be more aggressive than usual.

Most people get bitten when they attempt to capture or transport squirrels or accidentally while feeding them by hand. Read More