06 Sep

How to Seal Off My Attic So Squirrels Can’t Access It

How to Seal Off My Attic So Squirrels Can’t Access It

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter. That sound is not a welcoming one to homeowners with attics. If you hear that sound above your head, it means you have an invader in your home, which is most likely a squirrel. Squirrels commonly invade attics because it provides them with a cozy, comfy shelter.

What harm could a cute, innocent squirrel do in your attic? It is just looking to hide out and stay comfortable, right? Wrong. A squirrel can create tremendous damage in your attic. They can tear up insulation, leave feces and urine everywhere, chew through sheetrock, and damage cables and wiring. Learning how to keep squirrels out of your attic can help, though or call us if you need squirrel removal services: 647-560-3988

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02 Jan

Skunk Trapping Tips – Should You Do it Yourself

Skunk Trapping Tips – Should You Do it Yourself

Skunks can wreck havoc on your property whether it is digging holes in your yard or destroying your deck or shed at the entry point. The biggest problem for homeowners however is the skunk odor. Small children and pets are most vulnerable to getting sprayed although adults are equally at risk. Trapping is one of the most commonly used methods for skunk removal and a few tips may be helpful should you choose to do the skunk removal yourself. Read More

21 Dec

How to Get Skunk Smell Out of House

how to get skunk smell out of house

Skunk spray is one of the most potent and awful smells imaginable and is even worse when coming from inside your house. Skunk smell often has the same effects as pepper spray causing your nasal passages to constrict and making it difficult to breathe.

The smell comes from methyl mercaptan which the skunk carries in glands near its anus. The animal carries roughly a tablespoon of this oily liquid in its glands; enough to spray up to six times. Signs that a skunk is about to spray include the animal starts hissing, growling, stamps its feet, raises its tail and turns its back. Read More

18 Dec

Get Rid of Skunks Under Shed

get rid of skunks under shed

Unlike most animals which use camouflage, skunks have bold black and white colors. This however doesn’t make them an easy target. Most predators know the dangers of getting sprayed by a skunk including temporary blindness and overwhelming scent. These animals can spray up to 15 feet although their accurate range is about 7 feet.

Skunks under the deck are an obvious concern for all home owners and pets. The best way to get rid of skunks in this case is using a one-way door to evict the skunks humanely. Read More

16 Dec

Dog Sprayed By Skunk – What to Do

skunk in backyard patio

Dogs are curious animals by nature. They often go off in exploration and come back smelling obnoxious. However, a particularly offensive smell that your dog may encounter is that of skunk spray. The word skunk is enough to make any dog owner feel a sense of trepidation.

The smell of skunk spray seems near impossible to remove and is so repugnant that it may send you running in the other direction. Fortunately, there are ways to remove the smell of skunk from your dog, but don’t forget to call skunk removal TorontoRead More

14 Nov

Wildlife Removal – Trapping VS. Exclusion

Wildlife Removal - Trapping VS. Exclusion

Wildlife concerns are a problem homeowners can face all year round.  Animals such as skunks, squirrels, possums and raccoons can break can cause great problems for homeowners, both in terms of damage and health concerns.  They carry parasites, can be very defensive and can cause untold amounts of damage to homes, be it through the digging up of lawns or expensive property damage when trying to find shelter for themselves and their offspring.  Read More

09 Nov

How to Get Rid of Skunks Under My Deck

How to Get Rid of Skunks Under My Deck

Skunks are some of the nicest looking rodents but their visual appeal doesn’t make them any less troublesome. One of the biggest headaches for homeowners with skunks nesting under the deck is the unbearable smell. Things get even worse if you or a pet are sprayed by the skunk. These rodents also have a destructive disposition, digging holes in the yard, destroying vegetable gardens and damaging electrical work or plumbing. It is time to remove the skunks. Read More

06 Apr

Removing Skunks From Under a Shed – Skunk Removal

skunk under shed

Skunks burrow in dens underground. They do so in residential areas because they can find easy access to food and shelter. In this video you will see us working on getting a skunk from under a deck and placing the necessary measures to make sure that the skunks won’t be able to get back in. Call us for professional skunk removal. Read More

12 Mar

Skunks Living Under Deck

Skunks Living Under Deck

This customer had been dealing with skunks for quite some time. The animals were living under the deck. We were hired to exclude the deck and have the skunks move on. While we managed to keep the animals out the smell persisted for a few days. We deployed game trail cameras and were surprised to discover that we weren’t dealing with one skunk which is usually the case, but with multiple skunks under the deck. Read More