20 Aug

What Do Raccoons Eat in Cities

raccoon control

Raccoons are omnivorous animals so the easy answer to the question what do raccoons eat in cities is; virtually anything the critters can get their paws on.

Raccoons will gladly eat pet food left outside overnight, rotting vegetables and worms in compost, bird food, and leftovers in trash cans, fish inside decorative ponds, eggs and small birds in chicken coops, and fruits and berries from fruit trees. Although they are out of their natural environment in cities, raccoons still have an abundance of food choices in most cases.

What makes raccoons in Toronto a particular nuisance is their dexterous paws which they use to sort through trash to pick food, rip open trash bags and open garbage cans.

Raccoons are hardy animals and can survive in hot and cold climates. They breed quickly and easily live for a few years if the conditions are ripe. The critters also have few predators in urban areas. This combination of factors coupled with their widely varied diet means that you need to take immediate action the moment you spot a raccoon otherwise the situation will quickly get out of control.

 How to Get Rid of Raccoons

Raccoons are protected wildlife so you are not allowed to kill, injure or transport them for more than a kilometre without a permit. There are rodent traps and one-way exclusion doors that you can buy but DIY raccoon removal is rarely successful.

The first and most obvious problem with DIY removal is the potential for a raccoon attack. These animals can be vicious when cornered, and the risk of attack is even higher if you are dealing with a rabid raccoon. It is best to stay away from the animals if you can help it.

Hire a licensed raccoon removal company in Toronto to help you handle your raccoon problem. The expert will first determine the size and nature of the problem before employing the most effective control measure.

An expert also helps you wildlife-proof your home so you never have to deal with a similar problem in future. There is also the issue of what attracted the critters to your home in the first place, and the expert can advise on the steps you should take in this regard.

Finally, raccoon removal service also includes clean up and sanitizing (raccoon feces and urine carry multiple diseases in addition to attracting other wildlife) and perform repairs in case the animals damaged your property. Be sure to ask for a warranty of at least two years for the job to ensure that the raccoon removal is successful and permanent.