28 May

When Do Raccoons Have Babies

When Do Raccoons Have Babies

Female raccoons give birth one time a year, and their litters are usually between two to seven babies. Although these miniature little masked raccoon might look cute, they can cause big problems for people. Raccoons will often search for a peaceful and safe place to have their litters and tend to hole up in sheds and attics where it is warm, predator-free and they have a low risk of running into humans.
In the wild raccoons will nest in trees. Raccoons that live near people have a few more options when it comes to where to make their nests. Your attic or shed makes very attractive options for raccoons. If you suspect that you have a raccoon problem, the best thing that you can do is to call the professionals. Do not try to get rid of raccoons on your own. Ontario has very strict laws pertaining to the welfare of wildlife, and you are forbidden from killing or unnecessarily harming wildlife.

It’s far better to call in the professionals, who are skilled at removing raccoons in a way that is safe for both them and you.

If a raccoon is eyeing up your attic or shed as the ideal location to have her litter, they’ll be doing so during March. If you suspect that you have a raccoon problem in Spring, be especially careful because mother raccoons are very protective of their young. They could feel very threatened by humans and might strike out by scratching or biting to protect their litter. Even if you are well-meaning and try to be gentle with the raccoons, they could see any human intruder as a predator and act accordingly. Remember that these are wild animals.

Wildlife removal professionals are uniquely equipped to be able to deal with removing mother and baby raccoons. If the mother is simply expelled from the attic or shed, the babies will be left to starve. Not only is this terribly inhumane, but it will also cause prolonged problems. Dead baby raccoons will cause major problems, the least of which is a nasty smell. It’s important to make sure that both the mother and litter are taken care of safely.

Gently removing the baby raccoons is not an easy process, and requires a steady hand and professional care. If you try to do it alone, you might injure the sensitive baby animals, which is why it’s imperative to make sure that a professional take care of the removal.

Once all of the animals are removed, the area will be secured and sealed off so that the raccoons can’t return. You can also take additional steps to deter raccoons from your property, including securing trash bins with bungee cords or heavy rocks and using motion lights to scare raccoons away. There are plenty of humane ways that you can let raccoons know that it is advisable for them to go somewhere else.

Baby raccoons sure are cute, but you should not try to remove them yourself. Take the proper steps and call the professionals raccoon removal in Toronto today!