22 Jan

Case Study: Raccoon and Squirrel Removal in Ajax

Thermal Camera

Animals commonly find shelter in people’s attics, especially in the fall and winter months. They can tell that the inside is warm by the air that escapes the roof’s ventilation. To get inside, raccoons and squirrels will break the soffits, chew through the vents, or climb down the chimney. Housing animals in the attic however can seriously damage the insulation within and increase energy costs. It also puts your home at risk of getting more pests and the pathogens they bring with them. In this case, both raccoons and squirrels had broken into this Ajax home, one after the other. If you suspect an infestation on your property, call Wildlife Shield. Read More

15 Dec

Different Types of Squirrels in Ontario

different types of squirrels in ontario

Ontario is home to different species of squirrels. For the most part, interaction between human and squirrels does not go beyond watching them run, bounce, and chatter through your yard. However, sometimes a squirrel will find a way to invade your home as they search for a place to provide them shelter. Knowing how to identify squirrel species will help you in knowing what you’re dealing with and get proper squirrel control services. Read More

06 Apr

Removing Skunks From Under a Shed – Skunk Removal

skunk under shed

Skunks burrow in dens underground. They do so in residential areas because they can find easy access to food and shelter. In this video you will see us working on getting a skunk from under a deck and placing the necessary measures to make sure that the skunks won’t be able to get back in. Call us for professional skunk removal. Read More

12 Mar

Getting Squirrels Out of The Attic

In this squirrel removal job the guys had to deal with a few really persistent squirrels. Like always we perform a full roof inspection. Certain jobs require two people for safety. A second pair of eyes is always great to spot the small entry points that squirrels can sometimes use. If you too are experiencing squirrel problems call us for a consultation or to book an appointment with one of our technicians. Read More