06 Sep

How to Seal Off My Attic So Squirrels Can’t Access It

How to Seal Off My Attic So Squirrels Can’t Access It

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter. That sound is not a welcoming one to homeowners with attics. If you hear that sound above your head, it means you have an invader in your home, which is most likely a squirrel. Squirrels commonly invade attics because it provides them with a cozy, comfy shelter.

What harm could a cute, innocent squirrel do in your attic? It is just looking to hide out and stay comfortable, right? Wrong. A squirrel can create tremendous damage in your attic. They can tear up insulation, leave feces and urine everywhere, chew through sheetrock, and damage cables and wiring. Learning how to keep squirrels out of your attic can help, though or call us if you need squirrel removal services: 647-560-3988

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30 Aug

When is Squirrel Mating Season?

squirrel on the roof

Squirrel mating season in Canada may vary from squirrel species to species but generally speaking, squirrels mate twice a year; from December to February and once again from June to August. The gestation period of the average squirrel is 45 days when the animal gives birth to a litter of between 3 and 8 baby squirrels. The younglings are born deaf, blind and naked (without fur).

Multiple males will attempt to mate with a single female. The males attempt to get the female’s attention by loud chattering and slapping tree barks to show dominance. A female is receptive for less than a day and her pheromones can attract males up to a half kilometre away. The female chooses the most dominant male to mate with. It is not uncommon for the female to mate with multiple males. Read More

28 Aug

What is The Average Lifespan of a Grey Squirrel?

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in an Attic

The average lifespan of a grey squirrel in the wild is between 1 and 4 years although there are rare cases of free-roaming squirrels living up to 13 years. The longest recorded lifespan of a squirrel in captivity is 20 years. The animal’s life expectancy depends on a number of variables.

One variable is wintertime conditions. Grey squirrels do not hibernate and spend extended hours in their nests during harsh weather. Prolonged or severe winter can minimize the squirrel’s ability to find food while heavy snow cover can limit its ability to recover buried nuts. Desperate squirrels are known to exhibit cannibalistic behaviour, eating members of their species. Read More

26 Aug

What to Do If a Squirrel Bite You

What to Do If a Squirrel Bite You

Squirrels are not naturally aggressive and a squirrel biting a human is extremely rare. In fact, you are statistically more likely to get bitten by another human than by a squirrel. That being said, these are still wild animals and may attack if they feel threatened or cornered. A mother squirrel can also be more aggressive than usual.

Most people get bitten when they attempt to capture or transport squirrels or accidentally while feeding them by hand. Read More

24 Aug

Why Are There So Many Black Squirrels in Toronto

Why Are There So Many Black Squirrels in Toronto

Black squirrels are actually the Eastern Grey Squirrel. The difference in colour comes from a genetic anomaly that prevents their fur from turning grey. Most people agree that black squirrels seem to be dominating the wildlife scene in Toronto. Scientists theorize a few reasons why this might be the case although it is difficult to say conclusively why there are so many black squirrels in Toronto compared to their grey counterparts.   Read More

22 Aug

What Predators Squirrels Have in Toronto

What Predators Squirrels Have in Toronto

Squirrels are cute, furry animals and it is difficult to imagine anyone wanting to eat them. Unfortunately, wild animals don’t follow the same rationale while hunting food so the squirrels have many natural predators in the wild including weasels, coyotes, foxes, wildcats and snakes.

Granted that squirrels have fewer predators in Toronto but the rodents still don’t relinquish their position on the food chain. Common squirrel predators in Toronto include: Read More

20 Aug

What Do Raccoons Eat in Cities

raccoon control

Raccoons are omnivorous animals so the easy answer to the question what do raccoons eat in cities is; virtually anything the critters can get their paws on.

Raccoons will gladly eat pet food left outside overnight, rotting vegetables and worms in compost, bird food, and leftovers in trash cans, fish inside decorative ponds, eggs and small birds in chicken coops, and fruits and berries from fruit trees. Although they are out of their natural environment in cities, raccoons still have an abundance of food choices in most cases. Read More

18 Aug

What Do Raccoons Eat in the Wild?

danger raccoon

Raccoons that live in the wild tend to settle down in forests as near as they can get to a body of water. However, some wild raccoons also live in rural and urban areas. Housing and business development destroy forestry, and so the raccoon must adapt to a new environment. So, what does a raccoon eat in the wild, whether living in the forest or among rural and urban living conditions? Read More

16 Aug

Signs of Raccoons in the House

attic cleaning after raccoon invasion

Hearing animals in your attic, walls or crawlspaces doesn’t necessarily mean that raccoons are the culprit. Other animals that may break into the house include rats, mice, squirrels and bats. Positively identifying the animal is the first crucial steps to successfully removing wildlife from your home in Ontario. There are a few signs which indicate that the offending animal is indeed a raccoon. Read More